Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Its not at all far from my home, but it had been indeed some time that I have visited this place.

The same ambience, the same aroma of coffee, the same activities going on around. But the people are no longer around.

It has been one year, in a blink of an eye, but it hasn't been that long actually. But we have all moved far ahead, undoubtedly changed in various ways.

Bittersweet memories, but just a little disappointing ain't it?

faded away at*6:49 PM


I went to the airport today. Because I didnt want the next time I will be there to be the time I fly off.

I am toying with an idea. What if I knew I was going to die? I recently read the book Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom. Morrie really faced death with such strength and courage. He had reached a certain state of enlightenment I guess. But I who have so much less life experience, how would I face it? Not that I have some life threatening disease.

Its far from death really, but yet similar in a way. It will not be permanent but I will be suddenly pulled away from my world next month for quite a while.
And I cant help but wonder.

How will the world I know go on before me? Will the world even notice my abscence? And how will my loved ones cope with it?

I suddenly realise that this seperation might not only be my suffering. Theres so much I want to do before this.

In short, I just want to tell them I really love them. That I forgive them for everything wrong they have done, and am thankful for everything good they have done.

And that I really really love my family, though its the thing I show the least.

faded away at*12:12 AM

Friday, September 12, 2008

Maybe its because of the time that passed. Maybe its because that I am too tired to even think about it. Maybe its because I learnt to suck thumb from the army. Maybe maybe maybe.

But it doesnt hurt as bad as I expected it to. Just a mere hollow-ness left. Or to better define it, an emotional vulnerability.

Jiayou alvin.

faded away at*10:02 PM

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The thunder was heard from far away. But here in my world, there was complete peace.

Not a blade of grass moved in my field. Not a whistling of the wind blowing through my woods. It was unstartlingly quiet. Not quite as expected. It was too quiet.

Then the dark clouds gathered, and the rain followed. Just a drizzle. Nothing more.

And it goes on drizzling, here in my world.

How can I ever prepare myself for that upcoming thunderstorm?

Right now, I just feel like running in the rain.

faded away at*11:26 PM

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